Hop Into FROG

Hop into F.R.O.G. for the summer

We are excited to get together with you and your children and play games!





Hop Into FROG is our summer program. We get together in a local park and play games for about an hour.  This past summer we ran it at Hoover Park 600 E. Roeland Ave. in Appleton. Thank you to all of the families that came out and played games. We loved having the parents join in the fun. Water balloons were definitely the favorite, but Sharks and Minnows was a close second. We look forward to doing this again next summer. Please check back in April or May to see dates and times.




Registration Form

all fields required

Child's First & Last Name

Email Address

Parent/Guardian Name

Phone Number

School Name

Grade entering fall 2014

Date(s) you wish to attend

T-Shirt Size

Any special needs or concerns F.R.O.G. leaders should be aware of:

Please check to join email list

Are You Human?


Waiver of Liability – FROG[1].pdf

Please print out waiver, fill out and bring to Hop Into F.R.O.G.