
F.R.O.G. is a children’s program that uses physical activity to get kids moving and having fun. We want to show kids that physical activity is fun and social, you don’t have to be sports motivated to be physically active, and there are endless possibilities of ways to get physical activity.

Our desire for F.R.O.G. is that it be open to any and all children for free. We feel this is God’s program, and it should be a blessing to all children that come out for it.

We are currently using gym/outdoor style games (think capture the flag, scooter relays or freeze tag), but the possibilities are endless on what you can use to get kids up IMG_2294moving. If your passion is Zumba, get those kids up and dancing! If you love boot camp style classes, incorporate them into classes. Know karate? How many children have never been exposed or would never have an opportunity to try? This is a chance to share your love of children, and have a ton of fun doing it! Kids just want to be encouraged and loved, and of course have fun!!!

Currently we are volunteering at Horizons, Lincoln and Jefferson Elementary Schools within the YMCA after school care programs. Typically we run F.R.O.G. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:30. But the great thing about F.R.O.G. is that it is flexible; we are at Jefferson from 4:30-5:15 because of their scheduling. Our fall session at Horizons was 7 weeks long, and the fall session at Lincoln and Jefferson were only 3 weeks a piece due to how many volunteers we had available. This winter Horizons does not currently have a session running, but we are at Lincoln and Jefferson for 4 weeks each. So it just depends on volunteers and availability.

DSC03917We are looking for volunteers, from grandparents to parents. High school student leaders are a blessing due to the mutual admiration between high school volunteers and elementary students. Contact us if you would be interested in volunteering and let us know what school and days would work for you. Let’s work together to get our kids moving and having fun.